英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 13:56:05

level off

英 [ˈlevl ɔf]

美 [ˈlɛvəl ɔf]

将…弄平; 使平整; 使平稳; 使稳定

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1. become level or even

e.g. The ground levelled off

Synonym: level

1. (数字或数量)趋向平缓,趋于稳定
If a changing number or amount levels off or levels out, it stops increasing or decreasing at such a fast speed.

e.g. The figures show evidence that murders in the nation's capital are beginning to level off...
e.g. Inflation is finally levelling out at around 11% a month.

2. (飞机在爬升或下降后)进入平飞
If an aircraft levels off or levels out, it travels horizontally after having been travelling in an upwards or downwards direction.

level off是什么意思

e.g. The aircraft levelled out at about 30,000 feet.


1. 趋向平稳;趋平:letter of renunciation 放弃书 | level off 趋向平稳;趋平 | level playing field 公平竞争的环境

2. 平整, 变平, 稳定:margin stock 差额股票 | level off 平整, 变平, 稳定 | ethylene chloride 氯乙烯


3. (飞机等)平飞,(爬高后)走一段平路;(升或跌之后)呈平稳状态:let out放掉,放出,发出;放大(衣服放松(绳子) | level off(飞机等)平飞,(爬高后)走一段平路;(升或跌之后)呈平稳状态 | lie in在于


4. 平整:level head 冷静的头脑 | level off 平整 | level up 平整

You go up a level and then you level off.(你去了一个级别,然后你的水平了。)
Did the need for development resources rise dramatically at the end of the project, or did it level off?(在项目的结尾,对开发资源的需求是否惊人地增长,还是保持平稳?)
We must build the modern bearing culture if we want to level off the low bearing rate.(要稳定我国目前的低生育率水平必须要加强现代生育文化建设。)
Researchers say the world's population will level off at about 9billion in the middle of the century.(研究人员称,到本世纪中期,全球人口将会稳定在90亿左右。)
The plane will level off at around35000feet.(飞机将在35000英尺高空作水平飞行。)
In men, cholesterol levels generally level off after age 50.(男性到了50岁后,胆固醇水平趋于稳定。)
And if you thrive on the prestige that comes with your job, be prepared for that to level off as well.(而且如果你喜欢工作所带来的名誉,那么也要对它停止变化做好准备。)
Ceramic tile: use a small hammer knock on to see if free drum sound, groove seam is full, ceramic tile stick whether level off.(瓷砖:用小锤子敲敲看是否有空鼓的声音,沟缝是否饱满,瓷砖贴的是否平整。)
If more than 95% of the area of the tin, and all level off, pinhole, damaged situation that judge as qualified.(若95%以上的面积有沾锡,且无不平整,针孔,破损情形时即判定为合格。)
The total supply will level off at 21m COINS or so around 2030.(大约2030年时,总的货币供应量将会稳定在两千一百万单位货币。)
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